Monday, August 2, 2010


Requested by friends in Putrajaya to do small packaging for fast sales. Though don't have much time, still made some for them. Alhamdulillah good response and requested for more. Insya allah will do it on weekly basis supply. Will think of varieties for more choices.


Cuppies Haireez classmates @ Genius Aulad USJ

At last, fullfilled Hairee's request to bake cupcakes for his fellow classmates in Genius Aulad USJ. No specific theme, he wants with blueberry fillings. Sorry dear, Mak Ngah had forgotten about it as I've been bz lately.


Graduation cupcakes ordered by Lily (Towke Oscarlily Outlet) from Seremban for her one and only sis during her convocation day at MMU. Made chocolate mud cupcakes with cheese layered to fill their joy. Congratulation Nanu on your convocation day! May success be with u always. AMIN.... Hope u like the cake yeah!!!